Some Causes of Dry Skin are Little Known
Taking a shower or bath is often associated with a sense of wellbeing. But too frequent washing can dry out our skin. So can extreme weather conditions, such as high winds, sub-zero temperatures or intense heat. Not only external factors but internal factors like a tendency to delicate or rough skin, as well as stress or age-related skin changes can cause dry skin.
Reasons for dry and very dry skin can be extrinsic and intrinsic
External Factors
It may come as a surprise, but our skin can be sensitive to the weather. Hot or dry air and extended sun-bathing under strong sunlight can dry out our skin. Taking a bath for too long or in water that’s too hot is also dehydrating, as this drains lipids and moisture. External causes for dry, rough or cracked skin also include using the wrong skincare products, excessive exfoliation or even washing or rinsing too frequently. All this attacks the skin’s protective layer of natural oils. This is especially true for people who don’t wear protective gloves while working with chemicals or cleaning agents.
Internal Factors
Internal factors also play an important role: The tendency to dry skin is often hereditary. But as we grow older, nearly everyone’s skin becomes drier due to hormonal changes. Not only does a lack of fluids dry out the skin, so do dehydrating medicines or illnesses. The skin is a mirror of the soul, and dry or very dry skin often reflects emotional stress – when something literally gets under your skin.
With those 9 external and internal reasons in mind you can find a good balance for your skin, while you nourish and harmonize body, mind and soul.